The cold hard noose of winter is loosening up. The vast piles of snow we have in the city are less ominous. Streets are melting clear. The sun is back and I don't care what you say - it feels like spring already. I saw brown dead grass along the freeway today on my way to work and it sent a thrill through me that only a Minnesotan can understand.
It was a good winter to practice bucking up. We hold fast, we persevere, here in Minny. We get through. I know, I know, it's not over yet. But I can clearly see spring at the end of the tunnel. And it looks good.
The year went by awfully fast. I just checked my posts from last year, and I was writing about a number of things, including my Dad, who was on the ill-ish side for a while. I have a whole post to write regarding when he collapsed at home and the subsequent miracles (of both the heavenly and medical variety), but that will wait till another day. I have to add here though - that since the November Miracle, both Mom and Dad have regressed in age about 20 years. Pretty cool.
We had an amazing Christmas on the Sechser side, with almost all of the family. I noticed when Mom added a comment to someone's facebook page, she wrote: "24 grandchildren, 9 kids and 9 spouses." Hmmmmmm. Well, I've been spouseless for three years, but I'll give her a break on that, she probably just forgot.
I have a brand new first grand-niece. Eric and Tasha's little girl, Madison. Wasn't it only yesterday that Eric was toddling around our house, posing, smiling good naturedly, while we made him wear a long hair lady's wig?
John finally got another dog. While my heart still hurts whenever I think of Alf, (another post, in my head, not yet written) Jake is a sweetie too. His family couldn't keep him after they had twin babies who needed medical care. He could not have been adopted into a better home, and I'm glad that John has him. Miss Vegas Kitty likes him too, although she doesn't like to admit it out loud.
So, I'm looking headlong into spring with the anticipation of all that it brings - need I say more?
All is well in my world. As usual.